About us


President’s Greeting

Approximately 50 years from its foundation and over 30 years since establishing itself as a company, YARUKI Switch Group has been providing educational services ranging from individual education cram schools to intellectual training, English conversation and even sports, always one step ahead of the needs of that time.
No matter the era, children will always have a multitude of talents and possibilities. We call those the children’s “Jewels.” Our philosophy is to find the jewel within every single child and make it shine, and we have constantly supported their development.
But as the times change, so do society’s expectations and needs for talent, even as far as changing who is evaluated and how. Furthermore, with Artificial Intelligence technology improving as much as people say, the importance of humans’ abilities and talents is going to be more significant from now on.
Our goal is to, by polish children’s jewels, make them able to turn their own YARUKI Switches on and think, decide and act by and for themselves using the Power of Independence. With guidance in line with our philosophy, we fully support each and every goal and by repeatedly achieving those goals, the children accumulate succesful experiences and improve themselves. And we believe that the Power of Independence will continue that cycle to raise the people who will lead Japan in the future.
We communicate closely with all parents and become the best at understanding their children and their greatest supporters. And we grow alongside them, as we share a franchise alliance with partners we trust to provide both our philosophy and high-quality education.
Education will make each person’s life and Japanese society as a whole flourish. And to realize that is our mission. We will continue to do our best to provide a constructive education service for children, with new ideas, for society’s development.

YARUKI Switch Group Holdings Co., Ltd.
President and CEO
Naoshi Takahashi


An international network of 2,300 schools, from individual education cram schools to intellectual, English education. YARUKI Switch Group is a comprehensive education group operating individual education cram schools, early childhood classes, kids sports schools, English conversation schools, after-school childcare in English, bilingual kindergartens and bilingual childcare facilities, nationwide and internationally.
We support the education of over 130,000 children in 2,300 schools within Japan and internationally.
We cheer on the dreams and lives of children around the world by finding the jewel inside each and every single one and explore the infinite possibilities within them.